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Year 7 Return to school Information



Dear Parents

We understand that the children have been out of school for a considerable amount of time and therefore for some there may be some anxiety about the return. We would like to share some information with you and ask that   you share it with your child.



The class will return in their bubbles this day. We will discuss lockdown and the return to school with your children. Time will be spent discussing the importance of good hygiene routines and safe movement around the school.


We will  also discuss the school year, practice papers and then spend some time on pastoral activities. Using the resource ‘Weaving Well-Being’ we will be discussing  8 Empowering Beliefs and will spend time on  ‘Focus on the Positive’.



A normal school day with focus on literacy and numerical work.




Pupils will sit their first Maths  GL practice paper in school.  We will score and teach the paper after their break. The  paper will go home and we would advise that parents take time to go over any corrections.  Keeping a record of any particular areas of maths that your child finds challenging is always a good idea. Setting some extra examples of work within those areas will be helpful as often children just need more practice.



Pupils will sit their first English practice paper in school. As with the maths we will score,  teach the test and send it home to be worked at further.  Once more identifying  and noting mistakes especially in the spelling or punctuation sections is useful. Spellings often re-occur in practice papers so please ensure that your child spends quality time learning words that they got wrong. Teachers will encourage children to analyse their mistakes and learn from them. 


When the paper is a GL paper please also check that your child clearly marks the answers on the answer grid…we will reinforce this in class.





Normal school day.


CCEA Past Papers will be started in the week beginning Monday 21st September. At this point pupils will be completing 3 practice papers a week in school.


NB: We are also keen to administer standardised NfER English and Mathematics assessments as soon as we feel is possible.




In Yr7  we will be setting up Seesaw in order to post work, homework,  music lesson and home-school communication..








  • Hygiene and safety is key in trying to maintain a sustained attendance at school for our Year 7.  Therefore if your child is unwell they MUST NOT attend school, keep  them at home and follow the HSC Public Health Guidelines.


  • In the case of a pupil being ill in school, parental contact will be made and the child will be kept in a quarantine room (supervised) until collection.




  • Regular hand washing and good hygiene is crucial. Children will wash their hands when they come into the classroom, before handling food and at the bathroom.


  • In P7 we would like all pupils if possible to have a small bottle of hand sanitiser, small packet of anti-bacterial wipes and a pocket packet of tissues.   These items should be kept in a clear plastic lunch bag (labelled with name) at the child’s desk. Coughs, sneezing should always be into a tissue which should then be put into a bin and hands washed for 20 seconds.


  • We will be keeping windows in the classroom open as much as possible and we will also be taking fresh air breaks.


  • Each pupil will have a designated seat in the classroom and should not move from that seat. Desks and seats in the room will face forward (in line with DE guidance). Pupils will be provided with a folder for basic stationary and their own pencil case must remain under their desk. Children are not allowed to share or borrow resources.


  • Initially school-bags will not be permitted.





  • There will be staggered times for both break and lunch. Children must  sit in their own seat while having lunch in the classroom and not move around the room. If dry they will get out to the playground.


  • All pupils will need a packed lunch in a disposable lunch bag (with their name clearly marked). This will be kept under their desk and disposed of at the end of the day.


  • Pupils may keep a disposable water bottle at their desk.





  • Either full school uniform or P.E uniform will be acceptable. We would encourage a fresh uniform daily.



  • The school’s Positive Behaviour Policy will be revised to have a temporary amendment in relation to Covid19. Further information on this will follow.




  • If you need to discuss a matter directly with us please contact the school office to organise a telephone chat with us….or send  us a note /letter in a sealed envelope. 


Finally it is important that you give your child time to settle back into the school routine. Their well-being is of utmost importance. We will all be working together to prepare them as best we can for their transfer tests but it is all about balance.  Enjoying their clubs, hobbies  and interests outside of school is very important and should be encouraged.


This year will be challenging for all of us but we together we can make the most of it.


Mrs M Dolan                                                                         Mr N McGinn

VP & Yr7 Teacher                                                                Yr 7 Teacher

KS2 Coordinator                                                     









