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The PTA Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held on Tuesday 18 October 2022, in a school classroom.

At this meeting the 2022/23 Committee was nominated and voted in.  The roles are:

  • Co-Chairs: Maeve and Julianne (returning in new post)
  • Vice-Chair: Helen (new to the committee, P2+P4 parent)
  • Secretary: Nicola (new to the committee, P3 parent)
  • Treasurer: Carleen (returning)
  • Vice Treasurer: Orlagh (returning)
  • Communications: Judith (returning).


The AGM minutes will be added after the next meeting - Thursday 10 November.


Not a named committee member?
As well as the roles that need to be voted on, the PTA gives you the option of volunteering for a single event or a minor role.  While many of these weren't needed last year due to covid, we hope 2022/23 will create more opportunites for you. 

From First Aiders to Sponsorship Co-ordinator, cake bakers to raffle sellers, come along to the AGM to let people know you are interested. 


If anyone is interested please feel free to contact one of the PTA members on stbernardspta@gmail.com and we can have a chat and answer any questions.


What happens at the PTA AGM?

Committee members are elected at the AGM to serve for the year.  Any parent of a child at St Bernard’s can nominate themselves in advance of the meeting.  If there are more nominees than places available, they will be elected by a majority vote of those members attending the meeting.

The Treasurer gives a report on the year’s finances; the funds raised and how these have been spent.

There will also be a discussion on what money will be spent on the year ahead.  This is your chance to really get your voice heard.


How many people need to attend our AGM?
The minimum number of people we need at the AGM so that any decisions made at the meeting are valid, is called a quorum.  For St Bernard’s this is twice the number of people who are on the elected committee (5 people to be elected, ten to vote).


What happens if not enough people come?
If a meeting is not quorate you can’t make any decisions; this includes electing committee members. Another AGM will need to be called.  In previous years not having enough people to vote means that there wasn't enough time for the new committee to be formed and arrange Halloween and Christmas events.


Who can vote at an AGM?
Every member attending the general meeting has one vote on every issue. Where a vote is equally divided, the Chair will have a second casting vote.
