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Ground Force

On Sunday 12 June, parents, pupils and a couple of past pupils came together to turn an empty space into a beautiful planting section.

In the area between the dual carriageway and the front of the school building we weeded, lifted branches and built large raised garden beds from railway sleepers.

In the back of the playgound area we moved some overgrown tractor wheels and filled in holes.  By the Willow Dome we placed some low level planters that the nursery children can enjoy.


On Sunday 26 June, families once again braved the terrible weather to begin prepping the wildflower area (the area between the carpark and side of school building), and preparing for the native hedge that will be along the fence blocking the road.  Some planting took place of the new containers.

Click on the image thumbnails to see the full size, the can then flick across the images.
